Get Canada ESIM and VPN from FlowVPN

Flow VPN offers unlimited Canada VPN services.
Now with Canada ESIM for iPhone and Android phones.

Get 1GB ESIM for Canada for $ 15 including 1 Month Free VPN Subscription

Get Unlimited VPN for Canada from $ 1.99

Heading to Canada? Holidaying in Vancouver?

Get online with a Global eSIM from FlowVPN in Canada, or connect to our unlimited Canada VPN servers.

FlowVPN has VPN servers in 60+ countries, and offers a 4G enabled Global eSIM for your phone or tablet that can be used in Canada.

Signup now and get VPN access from $ 1.99 per month, or VPN & eSIM services from just $ 15.

What is the best VPN for Canada?

VPN Services are available to access from Canada, and FlowVPN has infrastructure in this region giving you fast, unlimited access to the Internet. Our VPN local servers are in a data centre close to Vancouver.

Sign up to get Canada VPN with FlowVPN now

As well as servers near Vancouver (Canada), FlowVPN has 100s of servers located in 60+ countries giving you the freedom of fast, unlimited VPN.

Get VPN IPs in Canada

FlowVPN has multiple servers in Canada giving you access to local IPs. Get unlimited VPN access to Canada through FlowVPN’s global network.

Get a huge discount! Unlimited VPN for $1.99!

Sign-up to FlowVPN with VPN Promotion / Coupon Code COUNTRY-CANADA-VPN-PROMOTION for just $1.99 for your first month – almost half the normal price!

Canada VPN Services

Flow VPN provides VPN services from our host near Vancouver, Canada. The servers near Vancouver is part of our high speed global network spanning 100+ locations in more than 60 countries. We provide unlimited Canada VPN services with a free trial, protecting your data allowing you to access the Internet privately and securely. We do not artificially cap your bandwidth.

We have multiple servers in Canada providing a fast and reliable connection.

Our VPN Servers close to Vancouver (Canada) support standard VPN protocols including WireGuard, PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, IKEv2, OpenVPN and SSH VPN. We have clients available for iPhone, macOS, Windows and Android – download the FlowVPN app from your App Store or sign-up now.

What are the most visited websites in Canada?

Sources differ slightly depending on the specific metrics used to calculate website visits, but in general, the above-listed websites consistently rank high for Canadian internet users.

What are the most popular social media platforms in the Canada?

As of the most recent data, the most popular social media platforms in Canada include:

1. **Facebook** – Still one of the most widely used social networks, it is popular for connecting with friends, family, and communities, as well as for business marketing.

2. **YouTube** – This video-sharing platform is extremely popular for entertainment, tutorials, music videos, and a wide variety of other content.

3. **Instagram** – Known for its photo and video sharing features, Instagram is particularly popular among younger demographics.

4. **Twitter** – A platform that is often used for news, updates, and public discourse.

5. **LinkedIn** – Widely used for professional networking and career development.

6. **TikTok** – This short-form video platform has become very popular, especially among younger users, for its engaging and viral content.

7. **Snapchat** – Still retains a significant user base, particularly among teens and young adults, for its ephemeral messaging and multimedia content.

8. **Pinterest** – Popular for discovering ideas and inspiration related to lifestyle, home decor, fashion, and more.

These platforms continue to evolve, and their popularity can shift based on trends and changes in user preferences.

How fast are Internet connections in Canada?

Internet speeds in Canada can greatly vary depending on the service provider and the specific plan you choose. However, according to the Speedtest Global Index, as of January 2022, the average fixed broadband speed in Canada is around 150.09 Mbps for download and 46.17 Mbps for upload. For mobile internet, the average speed is around 102.69 Mbps for download and 21.60 Mbps for upload. Please note these values can change over time due to various factors.

How concerned are people in Canada about data privacy?

Concern about data privacy is significant among people in Canada, reflecting a broader global trend. Various studies and surveys have highlighted the apprehensions Canadians have regarding the security and use of their personal data. Here are some key points that illustrate this concern:

1. **Awareness and General Concern**:
– Many Canadians are aware that their personal information is valuable and are increasingly concerned about how it is collected, used, and stored by companies and governments.
– Issues like identity theft, financial fraud, and data breaches are primary concerns.

2. **Legislative Context**:
– The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) is the federal privacy law for private sector organizations in Canada. Awareness of such regulations has made many Canadians more conscious of their rights concerning data privacy.
– Recent discussions and potential updates to privacy laws, such as Bill C-11 (the Digital Charter Implementation Act), have heightened public interest in data privacy issues.

3. **Online Privacy**:
– The increased use of digital services, social media, and e-commerce platforms has made privacy a pertinent issue. Many Canadians are concerned about the amount of personal information they share online and how it might be used or misused.
– Issues such as targeted advertising and tracking cookies have led to calls for more stringent privacy controls.

4. **Trust in Organizations**:
– Trust in how companies handle personal data varies, with greater trust often placed in healthcare providers, financial institutions, and government bodies compared to social media companies and large tech firms.
– Data breaches involving significant companies have led to heightened scrutiny and skepticism.

5. **Consumer Behavior**:
– Some studies suggest that Canadians are willing to take steps to protect their privacy, such as adjusting privacy settings, using ad blockers, and being selective about the personal information they share online.
– There is also a growing interest in privacy-focused tools and services, such as end-to-end encrypted messaging apps and secure browsers.

6. **Opinions on Data Privacy Measures**:
– Many Canadians support stronger regulatory measures to ensure data protection.
– There is also a demand for greater transparency from organizations about how data is used and more robust consent mechanisms.

7. **Impact of Global Developments**:
– Global incidents like the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal and data breaches at major corporations have influenced Canadian perspectives on data privacy.
– International regulations, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), also impact Canadian views and expectations for data protection standards.

In summary, the concern for data privacy in Canada is high and continues to grow as digital integration into daily life deepens. Canadians are increasingly aware of the intricacies of data privacy and are advocating for stronger protections and transparency from both private organizations and governmental entities.

What are the cybersecurity challenges faced by internet users in Canada?

Internet users in Canada, like those in many other countries, face a variety of cybersecurity challenges. These challenges can range from cybercrimes targeting individuals to broader threats impacting businesses and critical infrastructure. Some of the key challenges include:

1. **Phishing Attacks**:
– Cybercriminals often use phishing emails and websites to trick individuals into providing confidential information such as passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal data.

2. **Ransomware**:
– Ransomware attacks involve malicious software that encrypts a user’s data and demands payment for its release. Both individuals and organizations in Canada have been targets of such attacks.

3. **Data Breaches**:
– Compromises of databases can lead to the theft of personal information, including names, addresses, social insurance numbers, and financial details. Such breaches can have long-lasting impacts on victims’ privacy and security.

4. **Social Engineering**:
– Tactics like pretexting, baiting, and scareware trick users into revealing sensitive information or performing actions that compromise their security.

5. **Identity Theft**:
– Stolen personal information can be used to commit fraud, such as opening new credit accounts or filing fraudulent tax returns in the victim’s name.

6. **Malware**:
– Various types of malicious software, including viruses, trojans, and spyware, can infect devices, leading to data loss, unauthorized access, and other harmful activities.

7. **Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks**:
– Such attacks overwhelm websites or online services with traffic, rendering them unusable. They can particularly target businesses and public services in Canada.

8. **IoT Vulnerabilities**:
– With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), connected devices often have weak security measures, making them easy targets for cyber attacks and exploitation.

9. **Insider Threats**:
– Disgruntled employees or those with malicious intent can misuse their access to cause harm or steal data.

10. **Privacy Concerns**:
– With extensive data collection by websites, apps, and online services, users face significant risks regarding how their personal information is stored, used, and potentially shared without their consent.

11. **Cryptojacking**:
– Unauthorized use of a user’s computing resources to mine cryptocurrencies. This can slow down devices and cause higher electricity bills.

12. **Government Legislation and Compliance**:
– Businesses need to comply with laws and regulations like the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Compliance can be complex and costly but is crucial for maintaining cybersecurity standards.

13. **Targeted Attacks and Cyber Espionage**:
– Canadian businesses and governmental organizations can be targets for cyber espionage, often by state-sponsored actors seeking to steal sensitive information or intellectual property.

To mitigate these threats, it is essential for internet users and organizations in Canada to adopt robust cybersecurity practices. This includes using strong, unique passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, regularly updating software, educating users on recognizing phishing attempts, and implementing comprehensive security policies and procedures.

Our servers are constantly monitored to ensure there are no issues. We use internal monitoring tools as well as multiple third party providers to ensure all services are regularly checked and benchmarked so we can identify any potential issues.

VPN Latency – Ping Speed Test

We perform ping tests from our VPN server in Canada to servers around the world. We have multiple servers in almost all locations but the results published below are the most recent test results. We may have faster optimised routes from your location based upon your IP route when connecting.

Canada VPN Ping to Destination Server Latency (ms)
Argentina 206.053
Australia 179.175
Austria 155.980
Belgium 143.378
Brazil 180.188
Cambodia 193.277
Canada (East) 77.157
Chile 185.393
Costa Rica 143.415
Croatia 161.534
Czech Republic DC1 163.947
Czech Republic DC2 145.904
Denmark 158.692
Estonia 167.163
Finland 159.269
France 134.003
Germany DC2 151.551
Germany 155.994
Hong Kong DC1 137.300
Hong Kong DC3 132.628
Hong Kong DC5 161.662
Hungary 173.850
Iceland 183.768
Indonesia 163.694
Ireland 166.146
Italy 174.099
Japan DC 2 85.711
Kazakhstan 219.150
Kosovo 175.387
Lithuania 164.492
Luxembourg 159.818
Mexico 93.603
Moldova 66.384
Netherlands 134.564
New Zealand 184.992
Norway 162.283
Panama 133.422
Philippines 150.117
Poland 176.312
Portugal 178.277
Romania 161.814
Serbia 163.193
Singapore DC1 215.060
Singapore DC2 151.765
Slovakia 168.833
Slovenia 182.317
South Africa 302.176
South Korea DC2 135.728
South Korea 140.190
Spain 154.278
Sweden 158.142
Switzerland 148.595
Taiwan DC4 160.158
Taiwan 173.777
UK DC1 129.959
UK DC2 143.779
UK DC3 Mac Only 128.782
Ukraine 177.094
United States Central 71.015
United States North East 45.521
United States South East 75.722
United States West 11.556
US Hollywood 2 70.945