Get Singapore ESIM and VPN from FlowVPN

Flow VPN offers unlimited Singapore VPN services.
Now with Singapore ESIM for iPhone and Android phones.

Get 1GB ESIM for Singapore for $ 15 including 1 Month Free VPN Subscription

Get Unlimited VPN for Singapore from $ 1.99

Heading to Singapore? Holidaying in Singapur?

Get online with a Global eSIM from FlowVPN in Singapore, or connect to our unlimited Singapore VPN servers.

FlowVPN has VPN servers in 60+ countries, and offers a 4G enabled Global eSIM for your phone or tablet that can be used in Singapore.

Signup now and get VPN access from $ 1.99 per month, or VPN & eSIM services from just $ 15.

What is the best VPN for Singapore?

VPN Services are available to access from Singapore, and FlowVPN has infrastructure in this region giving you fast, unlimited access to the Internet. Our VPN local servers are in a data centre close to Singapore providing secure global Internet to customers in Singapur.

Sign up to get Singapore VPN with FlowVPN now

As well as servers near Singapore (Singapore), FlowVPN has 100s of servers located in 60+ countries giving you the freedom of fast, unlimited VPN.

Get VPN IPs in Singapore

FlowVPN has multiple servers in Singapore giving you access to local IPs. Get unlimited VPN access to Singapore through FlowVPN’s global network.

Get a huge discount! Unlimited VPN for $1.99!

Sign-up to FlowVPN with VPN Promotion / Coupon Code COUNTRY-SINGAPORE-VPN-PROMOTION for just $1.99 for your first month – almost half the normal price!

Singapore VPN Services

Flow VPN provides VPN services from our host near Singapore, Singapore. The servers near Singapore is part of our high speed global network spanning 100+ locations in more than 60 countries. We provide unlimited Singapore VPN services with a free trial, protecting your data allowing you to access the Internet privately and securely. We do not artificially cap your bandwidth.

We have multiple servers in Singapore providing a fast and reliable connection.

Our VPN Servers close to Singapore (Singapore) support standard VPN protocols including WireGuard, PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, IKEv2, OpenVPN and SSH VPN. We have clients available for iPhone, macOS, Windows and Android – download the FlowVPN app from your App Store or sign-up now.

How fast are Internet connections in Singapore?

The speed of Internet connections in Singapore is among the fastest in the world. According to reports and various speed tests:

  • Average Download Speed: Around 200 Mbps to 250 Mbps.
  • Average Upload Speed: Around 160 Mbps to 200 Mbps.
  • Peak Speeds: Can reach up to 1 Gbps for residential connections.

The widespread availability of fiber broadband and the government’s push towards digital connectivity have significantly contributed to these high speeds.

Is the Internet censored in Singapore?

Yes, the Internet in Singapore is subject to government regulations and censorship. The Media Development Authority (MDA) and the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) are the primary bodies responsible for overseeing and regulating online content.

  • Prohibited Content: Content that is deemed to be against public interest, public order, or national harmony is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, pornography, hate speech, and materials inciting violence or promoting terrorism.
  • Mandatory Filters: Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are required to block access to websites that host prohibited content.
  • Licensing Requirements: News websites that meet certain criteria must obtain a license from the IMDA and are subject to compliance requirements.
  • Surveillance and Monitoring: The government employs various measures to monitor online activities and enforce regulations.

While there is a degree of Internet freedom in Singapore, these regulations aim to maintain social cohesion and public security, leading to certain limitations on what can be accessed and shared online.

Is pornography restricted in Singapore?

Yes, pornography is restricted in Singapore. Here are the key points:

  • Illegal to Produce and Distribute: It is illegal to produce, distribute, or sell pornographic materials in Singapore.
  • Strict Online Regulations: Accessing or sharing pornographic content online is also prohibited.
  • Penalties: Violating these laws can result in severe penalties, including heavy fines and imprisonment.

The government takes a firm stance on maintaining social morals and values, and the regulations reflect that.

What is the current internet penetration rate in the Singapore?

As of the most recent data in 2023, the internet penetration rate in Singapore is approximately 92%.

How concerned are people in Singapore about data privacy?

Residents in Singapore have shown a growing concern about data privacy due to several high-profile data breaches and increasing awareness of cybersecurity issues. Several factors contribute to this concern:

  • High-profile data breaches: Incidents involving sensitive information leaks have heightened public awareness and concern.
  • Government regulations: The implementation of the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) highlights the importance of data privacy and protection.
  • Increased internet usage: As more services become digitized, individuals are more aware of the risks posed to their personal data.

Despite these concerns, there is an ongoing effort by both public and private sectors to enhance data protection measures, which helps to alleviate some of the worries among the populace.

What are the cybersecurity challenges faced by internet users in Singapore?

The cybersecurity challenges faced by internet users in Singapore include:

  • Phishing Attacks: Increasingly sophisticated phishing schemes that trick users into revealing sensitive information.
  • Ransomware: Malware that encrypts users’ data and demands payment for the decryption key.
  • Data Breaches: Unauthorized access to personal and corporate data leading to exposure of sensitive information.
  • Identity Theft: Misuse of personal information to commit fraud or other crimes.
  • Social Engineering: Manipulation tactics to gain confidential information through human interaction.
  • IoT Vulnerabilities: Security gaps in Internet of Things devices that can be exploited by hackers.
  • Weak Passwords: Use of easily guessable passwords that compromise account security.
  • Software Exploits: Attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in outdated or unpatched software applications.
  • Public Wi-Fi Risks: Insecure public networks that can be used to intercept data transmitted by users.
  • Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): Long-term, targeted cyber attacks aimed at stealing data or surveilling activities over an extended period.

What are the most visited websites in Singapore?

  1. Google
  2. YouTube
  3. Facebook
  4. Yahoo
  5. Instagram

What are the most popular social media platforms in the Singapore?

Here are the most popular social media platforms in Singapore:

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. WhatsApp
  4. YouTube
  5. LinkedIn
  6. Twitter
  7. TikTok
  8. Snapchat

Our servers are constantly monitored to ensure there are no issues. We use internal monitoring tools as well as multiple third party providers to ensure all services are regularly checked and benchmarked so we can identify any potential issues.

Singapore Facts

Singapore Top Level Domain: .sg
Currency: Dollar